Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6/13 BW and US

This morning's appointment went so nicely. After seeing me so many consecutive days, the ultrasound tech was much more open to sharing information. She said (as she always does) that my lining looks great. Well, thanks, but unfortunately I do not need that lining :'( that's why we have wonderful Lori! She asked me if I was feeling bloated yet, which Yes! I definitely am! She began to look at my ovaries and count the follicles growing. I tried to count along. I counted 28. Before she finished, she said 'Nope.' I asked her, 'Oh, so they aren't ready yet?' She said 'A couple more days. They aren't big enough just yet.' I then asked her how many there were. There are 14 on the left side and 13 on the right that are measurable, but there are more smaller ones that just aren't big enough yet. So we need those 27 to get to the perfect size for retrieval within the next few days. Now I wait for our NC to call me with my E2 levels and further instructions. Praying for my body and for Lori's. I pray that her uterus stays nice and fluffy and sticky for the to-be embryos. It is all in His timing and His timing is perfect.
Update: E2 level is 1,513. I have 35 follicles growing, 27 which are greater than 10 mm. I have another appointment for blood and ultrasound tomorrow bright and early at 6:50 am. The nurse said I most likely will take my trigger shot tomorrow night and the retrieval would be Saturday. Happy dance! Almost there!!

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