Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3/6-Follow-up extra appt

Today I had my added appointment to check on the fluid in my uterus. I wasn't sure what to pray for so I was just praying for God's will. I went to the appointment hoping it would be gone and we could move on, but part of me was afraid it would still be there.

I had a different ultrasound technician this time and she had a doctor with her. The doctor was there learning about the ultrasound machine. I noticed a pocked of fluid immediately on the screen. My heart dropped. The technician didn't say anything for what felt like an hour. Then she said "there is much less fluid this time so that is good". Both her and the doctor agreed that there was a significant decrease. They said there was less than 1mm of fluid ( compared to 5mm previously). I was hoping for none so seeing fluid was discouraging, but they both assured me this was really good.

I left and called Lisa. Immediately she made me feel better. (She usually does). We decided it was good and now we just had to wait for the phone call telling us what to do next.

We were right. Things are good the nurse said from the clinic. "Continue the same medications and your final appointment will be Friday and then we will call you with your transfer time for 3/16".

Holy crow!!!! Things are fine!!!! We are moving forward!! Holy crow again....transfer is in 10 days!!!! All that worrying for nothing. Uhg...duh Lori!! Worrying is a lack of faith. Should have just given it to God in the first place and saved all the trouble.

Now I am really excited. Have I mentioned HOLY CROW!!!

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