Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lori & Family!

Lori & Family are en route to Chicago!!!! Whoop whoop! I think I have to leave in about a half hour to give me plenty of time to figure out where I'm going. Luckily this time around, the weather is warm enough that if I am lost, they won't freeze their tushes off outside. 
I know Lori and I say this quite often to each other, but I cannot believe that this day is finally here!! We met December 10, 2011, and here we are, March 15, 2012. That is 96 days later. It really seems like it was yesterday that we met. And today seemed sooo far off. We went through some tough hurdles, but God lead us through to this point, proving to us that we need to leave it up to Him, on His timing. He is always faithful, all knowing. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that He already has a plan for me and a clear path chosen. He knows my moves before I do. He is constantly guiding me, but it's up to me to really open my eyes to see where it is He wants me to go. And I truly believe there is no mistakes, no accidents in life. It was a huge "mistake" that our agency didn't check for insurance, but hey without it, Lori and I would never have met. So, the night before our big transfer, rather than nerves, I have prayers running through my head. I cannot wait to see what God has planned for Lori and I and the baby (ies) the rest of this year. I am just so excited to see His plan finally be revealed to us. He is amazing. And I am going to close my eyes for 20 minutes, before I head out. Until next time (tomorrow after transfer!) Pray for our two embryos, our doctor, and most importantly, Lori herself. :-) 

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